Θυμήθηκα το παλιότερο αυτό thread όταν διάβασα στο GuitarPlayer μια συνέντυξη του Scofield.
Δείτε αυτό το διασκεδαστικό απόσπασμα:
-You have been seen wielding a Telecaster onstage recently.
- That’s true! It’s funny, because when I was in high school, I had a beautiful ’66 Fender Telecaster that I loved. I eventually sold it, and a few months ago, a guy from Texas contacted me and said he had a ’66 Telecaster that he believed once belonged to me. So when I was playing in Austin at Antone’s, this guy brought the guitar—in the original case—and sure enough, when he pulled it out, it was my old guitar! Antone’s has a house ’64 Fender Super Reverb and I plugged the Tele in and it sounded incredible. So at that point, of course, I had to ask the guy if I could buy it off of him. He says, “Well, I don’t really want to sell it—but for you, you can have it for market value—I want $14,000 and a John Scofield signature series Ibanez!”
Needless to say, I just went out and bought a new Telecaster.
;D ;D ;D
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