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»Καταχώριση #596921
ALTO MP8D preamp with converter ADAT/AES/SPDIF
Τελευταία ανανέωση: 10/3/2025 | Αρχική καταχώριση: 10/3/2025 | Εμφανίσεις: 48
Κάρτες Ήχου & AD/DA
Τιμή συζητήσιμη:
Χέρι με χέρι
ALTO's MP8D is an 8 channel instrument and microphone preamplifier with ADAT and 24-bit/192 Khz AES/EBU-SPDIF
The first 2 channels of MP8 include high gain mic/line input with an integrated DI box feature. Each channel provides an individual phantom power switch, phase and high pass control as well as insert points. MP8D comes equipped with 129dB of S/N ratio and 0.007% of THD. It also includes a sophisticated 24bit/192kHz digital output interface with external/internal clock and ADAT, AES/EBU and S/PDIF connectors.
2 channel Mic/Line Input jacks, 6 channel Mic input capability
Serves as DI box
Individual Phantom Power Switch
8 channel ADAT and with AES/EBU or S/PDIF output
Switch control with build-in light
8 channels for MIC only also include individual 48 volt phantom power switch and high pass filter
Includes 2 channels with Hi-Z input for line level instrument
TRS jack insert
The first 2 channels of MP8 include high gain mic/line input with an integrated DI box feature. Each channel provides an individual phantom power switch, phase and high pass control as well as insert points. MP8D comes equipped with 129dB of S/N ratio and 0.007% of THD. It also includes a sophisticated 24bit/192kHz digital output interface with external/internal clock and ADAT, AES/EBU and S/PDIF connectors.
2 channel Mic/Line Input jacks, 6 channel Mic input capability
Serves as DI box
Individual Phantom Power Switch
8 channel ADAT and with AES/EBU or S/PDIF output
Switch control with build-in light
8 channels for MIC only also include individual 48 volt phantom power switch and high pass filter
Includes 2 channels with Hi-Z input for line level instrument
TRS jack insert
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