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Ενισχυτές Κιθάρας
»Καταχώριση #596210
Red Sound Lg12 R Rack Active Frfr 1x12 καμπίνα
Τελευταία ανανέωση: 01/3/2025 | Αρχική καταχώριση: 01/3/2025 | Εμφανίσεις: 70
Καμπίνα - Ηχείο, Τελικός
Χώρα κατασκευής:
Πολύ Καλή
Τιμή συζητήσιμη:
Νησιά Ιονίου
Κατόπιν συνεννόησης
Ιδανική για Axe FX, Neural DSP, Kemper κλπ….
Την χρησιμοποιώ με το Quad Cortex κ ματσάρει άψογα.
Παρακαλώ όχι ανταλλαγές.
Τηλ: 6945108080
The RS-LG12 is the FIRST ACTIVE CABINET MADE IN ITALY that represents the reference cabinet for all Profiler System and digital systems: Kemper, iRig, AXE FX, Helix, Eleven Rack and Multiamp (*).
All the necessary power, provided by a class A/B analog terminal with analog power supply system, concentrated in a single cabinet with a 12" Full Range RED SOUND DC ceramic woofer, dedicated band, with TR / OE = Total Response / Only Emission emission system.
The TR/OE system allows you to have a very wide sound scene, and in any case a listening point is set, the intensity and definition remain unchanged at any volume.
The definition in the range of frequencies that affect the guitar and the bass, allows the musician to perceive every slightest variation in the profiles.
Totally handmade and cared for in every detail, it is recommended for professional guitarists and bassists who want to feel the sensation of the ampli behind their shoulders.
It adapts to any musical genre.
Την χρησιμοποιώ με το Quad Cortex κ ματσάρει άψογα.
Παρακαλώ όχι ανταλλαγές.
Τηλ: 6945108080
The RS-LG12 is the FIRST ACTIVE CABINET MADE IN ITALY that represents the reference cabinet for all Profiler System and digital systems: Kemper, iRig, AXE FX, Helix, Eleven Rack and Multiamp (*).
All the necessary power, provided by a class A/B analog terminal with analog power supply system, concentrated in a single cabinet with a 12" Full Range RED SOUND DC ceramic woofer, dedicated band, with TR / OE = Total Response / Only Emission emission system.
The TR/OE system allows you to have a very wide sound scene, and in any case a listening point is set, the intensity and definition remain unchanged at any volume.
The definition in the range of frequencies that affect the guitar and the bass, allows the musician to perceive every slightest variation in the profiles.
Totally handmade and cared for in every detail, it is recommended for professional guitarists and bassists who want to feel the sensation of the ampli behind their shoulders.
It adapts to any musical genre.
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