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»Καταχώριση #571538
Psvane CV181-T-MII/2 / 6SN7GT - Matched Pair | Power tubes
Τελευταία ανανέωση: 08/5/2024 | Αρχική καταχώριση: 10/4/2024 | Εμφανίσεις: 209
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Πωλειται Psvane CV181-T-MII/2 / 6SN7GT - Matched Pair | Power tubes...εδω παραθετω τα χαρακτηριστικα τους...
It can be used as a direct replacement to standard 6SN7 or ECC32 tubes of all make.
All Psvane tubes get retested at TAD to ensure the perfect quality even after the long trip from factory to us.
also available as quartet; just order 2 pairs and remark in the order comment (during check out) "2 close pairs for us as QUARTET"
dimensions (aprox.):
overall height: 115mm
height without pins: 98mm
diameter glas max. 47mm
diameter base: 31.5mm
Psvane MKII T-Series:
Carbon coating inside the glass envelope for better heat dissipation and stability of electron tube performance.
Teflon Base with Oxidized Aluminum Collar:
The MKII series tubes use exquisite Teflon material for the base to improve on low conductivity and stability. The amber color oxidized aluminum collar around the Teflon base is will avoid corrosion as well as finger prints to maintain a prestige appearance.
diameter of socket: aprox. 31.5mm
Psvane logo and serial number
The Psvane logo and serial number are engraved on the base: The Psvane MKII series have its logo and serial number engraved in the tube base facing all in same direction. No print on the glass does disturb the appearance of the beautiful shaped glass envelope.
Glass Quality:
A higher quality glass is used for the MKII series to increase the reliability and stability which does slightly increase the total weight of each tube.
Sound Quality:
The MKII series offers superb sound quality. The new coating materials offer an even better music presentation. Even compared to the great sounding Mark I T-Series you will experience slight 3D imaging improvement, layering and clarity....ειναι σε αριστη κατασταση εντελως καινουργιες αχρησιμοποιητες μεσα στην εργοστασιακη συσκευασια τους....ειχαν αγορασθει για ενα project το οποιο δεν υλοποιηθηκε ποτε...τιμη πωλησης 200 ευρω....ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΩ
It can be used as a direct replacement to standard 6SN7 or ECC32 tubes of all make.
All Psvane tubes get retested at TAD to ensure the perfect quality even after the long trip from factory to us.
also available as quartet; just order 2 pairs and remark in the order comment (during check out) "2 close pairs for us as QUARTET"
dimensions (aprox.):
overall height: 115mm
height without pins: 98mm
diameter glas max. 47mm
diameter base: 31.5mm
Psvane MKII T-Series:
Carbon coating inside the glass envelope for better heat dissipation and stability of electron tube performance.
Teflon Base with Oxidized Aluminum Collar:
The MKII series tubes use exquisite Teflon material for the base to improve on low conductivity and stability. The amber color oxidized aluminum collar around the Teflon base is will avoid corrosion as well as finger prints to maintain a prestige appearance.
diameter of socket: aprox. 31.5mm
Psvane logo and serial number
The Psvane logo and serial number are engraved on the base: The Psvane MKII series have its logo and serial number engraved in the tube base facing all in same direction. No print on the glass does disturb the appearance of the beautiful shaped glass envelope.
Glass Quality:
A higher quality glass is used for the MKII series to increase the reliability and stability which does slightly increase the total weight of each tube.
Sound Quality:
The MKII series offers superb sound quality. The new coating materials offer an even better music presentation. Even compared to the great sounding Mark I T-Series you will experience slight 3D imaging improvement, layering and clarity....ειναι σε αριστη κατασταση εντελως καινουργιες αχρησιμοποιητες μεσα στην εργοστασιακη συσκευασια τους....ειχαν αγορασθει για ενα project το οποιο δεν υλοποιηθηκε ποτε...τιμη πωλησης 200 ευρω....ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΩ
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