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»Καταχώριση #567774
LynxTWO-C + GRATIS UAD1 DSP (Neve .EMt, Fairchi..)
Τελευταία ανανέωση: 27/2/2024 | Αρχική καταχώριση: 27/2/2024 | Εμφανίσεις: 329
Με εμφανή χρήση
Τιμή συζητήσιμη:
Κατόπιν συνεννόησης
LynxTWO 192 kHz multichannel audio reference interface
200kHz sample rate / 100kHz analog bandwidth (Supported with all drivers)
24-bit AES3 or S/PDIF I/O with full status and subcode support
SMPTE time code reader and generator with MTC conversion
Non-audio digital I/O support for Dolby Digital® and HDCD
Sample rate conversion on digital input
With a design very similar to that of Lynx’s highly acclaimed Aurora converters, LynxTWO delivers near Aurora-quality specs and performance in the compact PCI card format. In fact, using the optional LynxTWO/Aurora Interface Kit, your LynxTWO can act as the computer interface and front end for the Aurora converter.
Honestly had never better converters (Now I am on Apogee) and sound on monitors, unfortunately not on PC anymore...
If u buy Lynx u'll get GRATIS !!! UAD1 DSP with more then 20 authorized UAD vsts incl. Neve 1073, 1081, 33609, Fairchild, Urei 1176, LA-2a, Nigel, Pultec, Precision etc
200kHz sample rate / 100kHz analog bandwidth (Supported with all drivers)
24-bit AES3 or S/PDIF I/O with full status and subcode support
SMPTE time code reader and generator with MTC conversion
Non-audio digital I/O support for Dolby Digital® and HDCD
Sample rate conversion on digital input
With a design very similar to that of Lynx’s highly acclaimed Aurora converters, LynxTWO delivers near Aurora-quality specs and performance in the compact PCI card format. In fact, using the optional LynxTWO/Aurora Interface Kit, your LynxTWO can act as the computer interface and front end for the Aurora converter.
Honestly had never better converters (Now I am on Apogee) and sound on monitors, unfortunately not on PC anymore...
If u buy Lynx u'll get GRATIS !!! UAD1 DSP with more then 20 authorized UAD vsts incl. Neve 1073, 1081, 33609, Fairchild, Urei 1176, LA-2a, Nigel, Pultec, Precision etc
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