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»Καταχώριση #561749
KSR CERES Distortion
Τελευταία ανανέωση: 31/12/2023 | Αρχική καταχώριση: 29/12/2023 | Εμφανίσεις: 759
Είδος εφέ:
Distortion & Fuzz
Τιμή συζητήσιμη:
Χέρι με χέρι
The Ceres™ preamp, contains our signature tones from three of our amplifiers – the Ares, the Artemis/Gemini, and the Colossus.
Ultimately, the Ceres™ preamp distills our KSR sound into a small package. At only 5.7″ x 4.7″, it features many of the same functions present on all our amps — such as the Mode, Feel, and Bright switches. Moreover, this pedal provides the ultimate mobile tone versatility from weekend gigs to fly rigs. It also delivers the KSR signature sound to any board or interface for live and studio applications.
Ultimately, the Ceres™ preamp distills our KSR sound into a small package. At only 5.7″ x 4.7″, it features many of the same functions present on all our amps — such as the Mode, Feel, and Bright switches. Moreover, this pedal provides the ultimate mobile tone versatility from weekend gigs to fly rigs. It also delivers the KSR signature sound to any board or interface for live and studio applications.
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