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Πετάλια - Εφέ
»Καταχώριση #558713
Crazy tube circuits Stardust v2
Τελευταία ανανέωση: 17/2/2024 | Αρχική καταχώριση: 26/11/2023 | Εμφανίσεις: 638
Είδος εφέ:
Overdrive & Boost
Τιμή συζητήσιμη:
Κατόπιν συνεννόησης
Πωλείται σε άριστη κατάσταση το καταπληκτικο overdrive amp in a box της crazy tube circuits.Τιμη καινούργιου 189 ευρώ
Δίνεται λόγω αλλαγής ήχου, ύφους και κατεύθυνσης
Maxing out an American Blackface amp is truly an experience to remember. The harmonics and dynamic response are incomparable.
Blackface Stardust is designed to sound and respond exactly like that. A juicy overdrive with great note separation that cleans up to that sparkly sound that we all love and hear through countless recordings of the past. Set gain and tone and then control everything from your guitar. Sparkly clean to crunchy mean are all there.
Δίνεται λόγω αλλαγής ήχου, ύφους και κατεύθυνσης
Maxing out an American Blackface amp is truly an experience to remember. The harmonics and dynamic response are incomparable.
Blackface Stardust is designed to sound and respond exactly like that. A juicy overdrive with great note separation that cleans up to that sparkly sound that we all love and hear through countless recordings of the past. Set gain and tone and then control everything from your guitar. Sparkly clean to crunchy mean are all there.
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