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»Καταχώριση #556026
Δυο controllers BCF 2000 και τα δυο 250€
Τελευταία ανανέωση: 24/2/2024 | Αρχική καταχώριση: 27/10/2023 | Εμφανίσεις: 607
Κονσόλες, Controllers
Πολύ Καλή
Τιμή συζητήσιμη:
Κατόπιν συνεννόησης
Σε άψογη κατάσταση , χρήση σε άκαπνο στούντιο . Φορτωμένα με τα τελευταία drivers !
The total-recall B-CONTROL BCF2000 USB/MIDI Controller combines the unlimited versatility of today’s audio software with the feel of real hands-on controls. With the BCF2000 you can move real 100 mm faders and turn real high-resolution encoders to control all of your computer-based virtual gear in Cubase®, Cakewalk®, Logic® Audio, Ableton® – and many other popular DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations). You can make group moves quickly and easily – and since these ultra-high precision faders are motorized, their movement can be recorded to open up entirely new levels of automation in your workflow. Want to control your synth, mixer, effects or signal processor with real controls? It’s amazingly simple to set up the BCF2000 to help you perform myriad tasks, all of which were never intended to be done with a mouse!
The total-recall B-CONTROL BCF2000 USB/MIDI Controller combines the unlimited versatility of today’s audio software with the feel of real hands-on controls. With the BCF2000 you can move real 100 mm faders and turn real high-resolution encoders to control all of your computer-based virtual gear in Cubase®, Cakewalk®, Logic® Audio, Ableton® – and many other popular DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations). You can make group moves quickly and easily – and since these ultra-high precision faders are motorized, their movement can be recorded to open up entirely new levels of automation in your workflow. Want to control your synth, mixer, effects or signal processor with real controls? It’s amazingly simple to set up the BCF2000 to help you perform myriad tasks, all of which were never intended to be done with a mouse!
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