Πρώτη σελίδα  » Home Audio  »Καταχώριση #547802


Τελευταία ανανέωση: 08/5/2024 | Αρχική καταχώριση: 06/7/2023 | Εμφανίσεις: 492
Ειδοποίηση για μείωση τιμής
Τύπος: Προσφορά
Περιοχή: Αττική
Πόλη: Καλλιθέα
Πωλειται ΛΑΜΠΑΤΟΣ ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΩΜΕΝΟΣ ΕΝΙΣΧΥΤΗΣ EMILLE LABS CHA'AMS KI - 270W.....εδω παραθετω τα χαρακτηριστικα του....The Cha’am is clearly not just one more integrated valve amp. With its very own style, even the dimensions are rather singular and the overall elegance of design and execution are fully W.A.F. certified. A 48mm pillar reinforces the sturdy anodized aluminium chassis at each corner which together with the acrylic front and cover bestow upon the device a mineral appearance and real piece of art status. Adjustable conical feet serve vibration isolations and are intended to sit upon an additional Perspex platform to prevent damage to any supporting surface. Obviously folks looking for discretion and minimum physical encumbrance are not Emillé’s chief targets here. But considering this valve amp’s sonic abilities, I could also turn this statement around and say that it is far more reasonable than for example a Convergent Audio Technology pre/power solution. Furthermore, if you are looking for upscale integrated vacuum tubes amplifiers, your choices are peculiarly limited. Personally I considered this Emillé more of a powerful high-end amplifier with several variable inputs than integrated.The Cha'am runs in Class AB1 push-pull with ultra-linear connection in full dual mono layout in a fairly conventional circuit based on a balanced matched-pair EH 6DJ8/6922 input stage followed by 6 x NOS RCA 6350 paralleled triode drivers. The 70wpc output is generated by 4 x Tungsol 6550 pentodes whose bias is adjusted directly from the frontal meter. The UL-tapped output transformers are handcrafted with M6-grade laminations and contribute significantly to the Cha’am’s weight. The trafos are aligned under the rear cover, with the mains transformer at the center in a completely insulated sub section. This main tranny is a 370VA shielded and highly regulated toroid. The low-impedance power supply runs off separate windings for the preamp,
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