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»Καταχώριση #537966
Επιλογεας εισοδου-εξοδου, 8 σε 2
Τελευταία ανανέωση: 05/8/2024 | Αρχική καταχώριση: 04/3/2023 | Εμφανίσεις: 1313
Τιμή συζητήσιμη:
Κατόπιν συνεννόησης
Διαλεγεις ποια απο τις 8 εισοδους θα στειλεις σε 1 εξοδο πατωντας το αντιστοιχο κουμπι. Επιπλεον σου δινει και μια παραλληλη βοηθητικη εξοδο οποτε στην ουσια αυτο που στελνεις μπορεις να το στειλεις σε 2 μηχανηματα. Ειναι ενεργο, δηλαδη θελει ρευμα. Ολες οι εισοδοι και εξοδοι ειναι με συμμετρικο xlr βυσμα.
Kramer VS 2481 XLR active Balanced switcher
The Kramer VS-2481 is a high performance 8x1 switcher for balanced audio signals using XLR connectors. One of up to eight balanced audio signals can be routed to the output. Although it is technically an 8x1 unit, two identical outputs are provided. Excellent audio performance makes it ideal for critical applications, and a rear-panel control is provided for setting optimum output levels. The VS-2481 is designed to operate independently or as a companion to the Kramer s-Video switcher model VS-2081S
Switching is microprocessor-based, and may be controlled by front-panel buttons or by RS-232. Software is included for applications requiring control via a WindowsTM based personal computer. The VS-2481 is designed to be easily expandable to create larger systems. For example, two units combine to form a 16x1, etc. Also, multiple VS-2481's linked for parallel operation can form a multi-channel 8x1 system. Looping, and parallel control can create matrices such as 8x2, 8x3, etc.
Kramer VS 2481 XLR active Balanced switcher
The Kramer VS-2481 is a high performance 8x1 switcher for balanced audio signals using XLR connectors. One of up to eight balanced audio signals can be routed to the output. Although it is technically an 8x1 unit, two identical outputs are provided. Excellent audio performance makes it ideal for critical applications, and a rear-panel control is provided for setting optimum output levels. The VS-2481 is designed to operate independently or as a companion to the Kramer s-Video switcher model VS-2081S
Switching is microprocessor-based, and may be controlled by front-panel buttons or by RS-232. Software is included for applications requiring control via a WindowsTM based personal computer. The VS-2481 is designed to be easily expandable to create larger systems. For example, two units combine to form a 16x1, etc. Also, multiple VS-2481's linked for parallel operation can form a multi-channel 8x1 system. Looping, and parallel control can create matrices such as 8x2, 8x3, etc.
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