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»Καταχώριση #537026
Suhr Mini Mix
Τελευταία ανανέωση: 23/3/2025 | Αρχική καταχώριση: 22/2/2023 | Εμφανίσεις: 1765
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Suhr Mini Mix
Μετατρεπει την σειριακη λουπα του ενισχυτη σε παραλληλη με χωρις απωλειες στον τονο και στην χροια του ενισχυτη.Ιδανικο για να chorus delay reverb στην λουπα της κεφαλης η του compo
The Suhr MiniMix is a professional grade audio signal line mixer that essentially converts the serial effects loop of your amp into an extremely transparent parallel effects loop. Utilizing only the highest grade audio components, the MiniMix features better than 0.004% total harmonic distortion and noise floor along with an extremely flat frequency response covering 20Hz to 20 KHz.
The MiniMix II assures that your tone is not degraded by the ADA converter in your processor. Now you can play with the peace of mind, that the pure guitar-amp signal that you’ve worked so hard to attain, is not compromised by suspicious circuits in various effects units.
Is powered by a 9Vac power supply.
The MiniMix converts a standard series effects loop into a transparent parallel effects loop. An important note is that your effects must be capable of running 100% wet in order to be compatible with a parallel effects loop.
Made in USA
Οχι ανταλλαγες
Μετατρεπει την σειριακη λουπα του ενισχυτη σε παραλληλη με χωρις απωλειες στον τονο και στην χροια του ενισχυτη.Ιδανικο για να chorus delay reverb στην λουπα της κεφαλης η του compo
The Suhr MiniMix is a professional grade audio signal line mixer that essentially converts the serial effects loop of your amp into an extremely transparent parallel effects loop. Utilizing only the highest grade audio components, the MiniMix features better than 0.004% total harmonic distortion and noise floor along with an extremely flat frequency response covering 20Hz to 20 KHz.
The MiniMix II assures that your tone is not degraded by the ADA converter in your processor. Now you can play with the peace of mind, that the pure guitar-amp signal that you’ve worked so hard to attain, is not compromised by suspicious circuits in various effects units.
Is powered by a 9Vac power supply.
The MiniMix converts a standard series effects loop into a transparent parallel effects loop. An important note is that your effects must be capable of running 100% wet in order to be compatible with a parallel effects loop.
Made in USA
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