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»Καταχώριση #432052
ARX Multi-Mode Enhanced Compressor / Limiter
Τελευταία ανανέωση: 22/2/2025 | Αρχική καταχώριση: 27/9/2019 | Εμφανίσεις: 2911
Επεξεργαστές, Εφέ
Καινούργιο - Σφραγισμένο
Κατόπιν συνεννόησης
ARX Afterburner II Dual Channel Multi-Mode Enhanced Compressor / Limiter σφραγισμένος.
The Afterburner can be set up and used in three different ways:
In Two channel mode, it performs as two independent compressor/limiters, with 'industry standard' variable Threshold, Ratio and Output gain.
In stereo mode, the New Adaptive Stereo Link circuitry provides increased stereo imaging accuracy when linking both channels as a stereo pair.
A single front panel switch puts the Afterburner into its alternative Mono mode, setting it up as a Single channel, Dual Band compressor/limiter, with separate dynamics control of both Low and High frequencies, opening up a whole new range of gain control techniques.
In any mode, the Afterburner features an 'Enhance' switch, which provides frequency restoration to preserve the spectral balance of the audio signal, compensating for the sagging Low and High frequency response of compressed program material. Think of it as a 'smart' loudness control.
-Switchable Modes - Stereo Dual Ch. Single band or Single Ch. -Dual Band (Low and High).
-Low and High frequency compression in Single Channel mode.
-'Enhance' switch restores spectral balance of compressed signal.
-Hard/Soft knee compression switch.
-Adaptive Stereo Link circuit for accurate stereo imaging.
-Above/Below Threshold LEDs enable at-a-glance compression confirmation.
-Balanced XLR and Jack Inputs and Outputs.
-Sidechain Insert points.
-Intuitive user-friendly layout.
-Hard or Soft knee compression option.
-LED metering provides accurate Level status, with separate Gain Reduction metering in easy to read 'wide scale' meters.
-Comprehensive LED indication of all operating functions and status in any mode.
The Afterburner can be set up and used in three different ways:
In Two channel mode, it performs as two independent compressor/limiters, with 'industry standard' variable Threshold, Ratio and Output gain.
In stereo mode, the New Adaptive Stereo Link circuitry provides increased stereo imaging accuracy when linking both channels as a stereo pair.
A single front panel switch puts the Afterburner into its alternative Mono mode, setting it up as a Single channel, Dual Band compressor/limiter, with separate dynamics control of both Low and High frequencies, opening up a whole new range of gain control techniques.
In any mode, the Afterburner features an 'Enhance' switch, which provides frequency restoration to preserve the spectral balance of the audio signal, compensating for the sagging Low and High frequency response of compressed program material. Think of it as a 'smart' loudness control.
-Switchable Modes - Stereo Dual Ch. Single band or Single Ch. -Dual Band (Low and High).
-Low and High frequency compression in Single Channel mode.
-'Enhance' switch restores spectral balance of compressed signal.
-Hard/Soft knee compression switch.
-Adaptive Stereo Link circuit for accurate stereo imaging.
-Above/Below Threshold LEDs enable at-a-glance compression confirmation.
-Balanced XLR and Jack Inputs and Outputs.
-Sidechain Insert points.
-Intuitive user-friendly layout.
-Hard or Soft knee compression option.
-LED metering provides accurate Level status, with separate Gain Reduction metering in easy to read 'wide scale' meters.
-Comprehensive LED indication of all operating functions and status in any mode.
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